Forest Hills Northern Bowl, Grand Rapids, Michigan
     Forest Hills Northern High School, Grand Rapids, Michigan

Overview Map



From the North and West:

    I-96 to Exit 36 (Leonard St)

    East on Leonard to Forest Hills Northern High School (1.4 Miles)

From the South and East:

    I-96 to Exit 38 (East Beltline)

    North on East Beltline to Leonard (1.0 Mile)

    East on Leonard to Forest Hills Northern High School  (0.7 Miles)


The school is on the North side of the road, and has a sign in front.  Pull into the school lot and follow the access around to the back.  The field will to be to your left (West side) and is located between the Northern Trails school building and the Middle School building.



    Paved Parking.

    The nearest eatery is the Red Lion (North West corner of Leonard and the Beltline)